Welcome to digitalP.
If you want to browse this website and use it, you agree with the following terms and conditions.
Combined with our privacy policy, these terms and conditions govern your relationship with this website.
digitalP terms like ‘we’ or ‘us’ refer to this website’s owner.
The term ‘you refer to the users and visitors of this website.
Look at the following terms that are subjected to the use of this website:
● The content of this website page is only for general use and to provide information.
The content of any page on this website is subject to change without notice.
● There is no warranty or guarantee from us or any other third party on the accuracy, performance, timeliness, and suitability of the information mentioned on the website.
You accept the fact that the information and materials on the website can be inaccurate.
We are not liable for such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent of the law.
● Using the services, materials, or information on this website correctly is ultimately your responsibility. We are not liable for any risk or incident caused by this information or materials.
You should be clear about why you are using our services, and information, and need to ensure they meet your requirements.
● The website contains materials like design, layout, graphics, appearance we own, or the license for. Reproducing any of these materials is prohibited without any agreement on the copyright notice.
● All the website’s trademarks or licenses are acknowledged on the website.
● Unauthorized access to the website is a criminal offense and can raise a claim for website damage.
● We might link to other websites to provide you with more information, but we are liable for any inconvenience you experience on those websites. We don’t promote the linked websites, and we have no responsibility for those websites’ content.
● You cannot link to this website from other websites or documents without our prior permission.